
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Back from the archive - the best parts of a talk with Prof Peter O'Sullivan on pain, particularly pelvic girdle pain, and how our biases as professionals may impact on how we assess and treat persistent pain.
Peter's Youtube video on PGP
Prof Peter O'Sullivan

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Be sure to listen to Part 1 - this is a continuation of our conversation on levator ani avulsion with urogynaecologist, Prof. Hans Peter Dietz.
A discussion on surgical management will be available to Patrons of the podcast. Consider pledging by clicking on the button "Be a patron" on the Podbean app for The Pelvic Health Podcast or click here and press the green button "Become a Patron".
Prof Dietz
Levator ani avulsion model (in which he uses to discuss some concepts but you can't "see" it on a podcast! :))

Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Urogynaecologist, Prof Hans Peter Dietz, joins the podcast to discuss a specific type of pelvic floor muscle damage sustained during childbirth, levator ani muscle avulsion injuries. This is Part 1, where we discuss what it is, how research and education has developed around this topic and I leave you on a cliff hanger regarding forceps delivery in obstetrics and will continue with Part 2.
Enjoy and thanks for listening!
Prof Dietz Bio

Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Physiotherapist Julie Wiebe and I have a very candid conversation about how impact activities like double unders (skipping) and running influence the pelvic floor and how we may use what research we have, as well as our clinical minds, to address these biomechanics on dysfunction like stress urinary incontinence.
If you would like to become a patron and support the podcast, head to Podbean.com or click the money-bag icon in the Podbean app. As a thank you, you get access to patron-only episodes and the one of latest ones discusses some more ideas surrounding double unders. Thanks for listening everyone!

Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
The Tweed Hospital Physiotherapy Dept brings the 7th annual physio symposium on June 22, 2019 and I am honoured to be invited to talk. Listen for more details and join the fun! Ticket purchase below. Only 80 tickets available.

Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Associated Professor of exercise physiology at Staffordshire University, UK, Dr. Jacky Forsyth, is a prominent researcher and speaker in the area of women’s exercise and health. Her research is centred on the interactive effect of ovarian hormones, exercise, and bone - which is what we discuss today on this episode.
One of her research priorities is to promote, raise awareness, and advance understanding of the key influences that impact the exercising female. She is vice chair of the Women in Sport and Exercise Academic Network (WISEAN), the aim of which is ‘To grow, strengthen, and promote research on women in sport and exercise, with the ultimate goal of optimising women’s athletic success and their participation’. Jacky publishes regularly in peer-reviewed journals in her field.
Women in Sport and Exercise Conference 2019
The Exercising Female; Science and it's Application, 1st ed.
Published articles by Jacky

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Dr. Chris Gillespie, colorectal surgeon, and physiotherapist Allison Bryant discuss what exactly is functional constipation, potential causes, assessment within the medical and allied health fields, as well as treatment options.
The Brisbane Functional Colorectal Conference
Dr. Chris Gillespie
Allison Bryant

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Darcia Ondrovcik is a personal trainer, coach, world athlete, and domestic violence survivor and ambassador. In this episode, she shares her own story, including how she has used fitness to help her break free from domestic and family violence and how she has used this to help others.
If you, or someone you know, needs help, please reach out for help. The following links may be helpful, depending on where you are located. For those outside of these countries, please search online for help (most often you can clear the internet search history if necessary).
Australia: White Ribbon Australia www.whiteribbon.org.au 1 800 737 732USA: The National Domestic Violence Hotline www.thehotline.org 1 800 799 7233Canada: www.endingviolencecanada.org
Other links from this episode:
Beauty In Strength www.beautyinstrength.com.auRUBY (through the PCYC) www.pcyc.org.au/youth-and-community/personal-and-leadership-development/ruby/Allison Baden-Clay Foundation www.allisonbadenclayfoundation.org.au

Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Victoria Cullen is a Sexual Function Specialist and joins me today to talk about her passion - helping men recover their sexual health after prostate cancer surgery. If you or a family member are looking into this surgery, if you have already had this surgery, or if you are a health professional working with these men, listen up! So much great information.
Find out more about her and her free webinars at:

Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Dr. Jennifer Kruger is a senior research fellow at The Auckland Bioengineering Institute at The University of Auckland and has been studying various ways to measure intra-vaginal and intra-abdominal pressures (IAP) in order to help women continue to exercise whilst taking care of their pelvic floor. In this episode, she gives us insight into the development of the latest pressure transducer and how it will help women in the future, as well as her thoughts on IAP in exercise.
If you haven't read her research before, here is a Pubmed link to her amazing work:

Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Physiotherapist, Sue Croft, finally joins the podcast to discuss information around pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence surgeries, among other pelvic floor surgeries. Find out how a physiotherapy can help before thinking of surgery, how "watchful waiting" is a treatment option, how physiotherapy can help before you have surgery, immediately after and in the long term. We discuss returning to running after surgery, pessaries, and the latest edition of her new books, which can be found at www.pelvicfloorrecovery.com and her blog at https://suecroftphysiotherapistblog.com/
For her 18-page PDF she has put together, head over to www.loriforner.com and find the podcast episode!

Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Dr. Melanie Morin is a physiotherapist and top researcher from Quebec, Canada working with and researching women with pelvic floor dysfunction. She joins me today to talk about her latest project on the efficacy of multimodal physiotherapy treatement compared to overnight topical lidocaine in women suffering from provoked vestibulodynia - so essentially women experiencing painful sex, what physio can do and well it works. This was an amazing study (click on the underlined title above) and if you are not aware of her previous research, go look her up and enjoy the episode.

Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Prof. Don Wilson (Urogynaecologist and researcher) joins Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr. Kellie Tathem, and physiotherapist, Natalie McConochie, to discuss the pelvic floor dysfunction risk calculator UR-Choice. See bios , links and more info at www.loriforner.com

Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Associate Professor, Men's health physio, and businessman Craig Allingham joins the podcast to talk about improving communication with men to help them benefit from the evidence based treatment being recommended in physiotherapy, specifically for those recovering from prostate cancer. His website is www.craigallingham.com and his books can be found at www.prostaterecovermap.com

Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Paula Hindle, aka Yummy Mummy Physio, has an extensive background in exercise science as well as pelvic floor and women's health physiotherapy. In this episode, Paula discusses some of the controversies surrounding exercise in pregnant and postpartum women and how she works with personal trainers and gyms to infiltrate their minds :). Check her out at www.yummymummyphysio.com.au

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Pelvic health physio and stand up comedian, Elaine Miller (better known as Gusset Grippers), discusses how she is using humour to increase global awareness and support of pelvic floor dysfunctions, including the new collaborative campaign called PelvicRoar. These smart women are going to change things!

Who are we?
Lori Forner, pelvic floor physio and PhD candidate, is now joined by Jo Murdoch and Tam Woods, who are also pelvic floor physiotherapists.